Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Angels Take Manhattan


The Stone Angels make a return. The Pond's die.


Once again Moffat promises much but delivers very little. The Angels Take Manhattan (or is it New York, I can't remember) is a confusing mass of contradictions, not only to stories that have gone before, but to things that have happened just a scene ago (The 'Babies' don't send Rory back in time, then they do on a whim???).

The whole thing served as no more than a vehicle leading up to the 'emotional' departure of the Ponds...except there was no emotion! The acting (never Karen Gillans strong point anyway) was terrible and some of the jump cutting was amateur in the extreme (watch for the position, facial expressions and stance of  characters in the background and in close up...the disparities jumped off the screen at me, at least.).

Personally I'm glad the Ponds have gone...she was annoying and Rory was just so wet (although the teenybopper girls seem to like him...'Oh, I would love a boyfriend like Rory! I wish he was on Glee!!!!') and I hope they stay gone. No returns explained away with a quick 'it's all timey-wimey' line. Stay dead!

This half season has been mostly disappointment and it's clear the Moffat isn't the man for 'Who'. He should take his self-publicising self off to concentrate full time on the love of his life 'Sherlock' and allow a Dedicated Who-er to take his place. Me, for instance.

I'll give this 'story

30 / 100

And most of that is for the flashes of River Song's rack...

And now it's onward to that a mince pie I smell?

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